Deadlocking Pipes
I/O pipelines are a special constructs that has been added to .NET at its renaissance. Pipes help to solve the problem of buffering and parsing an incoming/outgoing stream of byte data. This is an inherently difficult problem to implement considering performance aspects. The data chunks received as the input stream are unlikely to be delimited on message boundaries. That means a single data chunk might contain only partial message or multiple messages and a partial message. Handling all use-cases, taking care about buffering, increasing buffer size (if needed) or reducing buffer size, reducing excessive memory allocations are challenging to be implemented by hand. Fortunately, System.IO.Pipelines
help to solve this problem.
The official documentation for System.IO.Pipelines
shows a basic usage of pipes. It creates a pipe, and then uses a reader and a writer to demonstrate the usage of the pipe. Finally, it uses await Task.WhenAll(reading, writing);
to await both tasks completing. Reading the full documentation, it should be clear that using pipes require great care from the developer's point of view.
In the writer implementation of the above sample a while loop is used to write data into the pipe. When the write completes, or an exception occurs the code breaks out of the loop.