C# Functional style - Part 2

In the previous post, I have looked how I could compose methods together:

int RequestHandler(int x) => LogOutput(Add1(LogInput(x)));

As it is a bit difficult to read (inside out), I would like to see alternative solutions to compose them together while achieving the same results.

For the following methods, it is needed that each method has one input parameter and one result returned. In the following posts, I will use the partial application of arguments and currying to achieve this.

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Allocation free algorithms

With latest C# we have a handful of new constructs to create more performant applications.

C# Challenge: allocation free algorithms

When talking 'allocation free' we mean heap allocations, while on the stack memory is still going to be allocated similarly as before.

Why is this important?

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C# Functional style - Part 1

I have been learning about F# and functional programming lately. There is a great F# site explaining the functional concepts fsharpforfunandprofit.

There are some really interesting concepts like Partial Application of Arguments and Currying. I wonder on how we could bring these concepts to C# and how the could would look like with the latestC# 7 syntax.

I will take an example which comes up over-and-over, and walk through this example, improving it each step in C#.

In this part I will take a look at a very simple solution, avoiding using extensions methods and Func types. My goal is not to provide a mathematically equivalent solution, but rather than to see how the new syntax to simplify.

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Performance of Value Tuples in C# - 2

In the previous post I have shown how value tuples differ from having multiple out parameters. The IL code has been shown and some micro-benchmarking have been done.In this post I would like re-visit one very interesting question around the performance and the generated IL Code. When we know for sure, that one of the parameters of a method is not needed, we can use a (int success, _) syntax to tell the C# compiler that we are only interested in the first parameter of the returned value tuple.

Here is the IL when we have both parameters used:


The previous post has shown that the average of deconstructing both parameters takes 18959 ms in that given test environment.

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Performance of Value Tuples in C# - 1

C# 7 has introduced lots of new features. One of them is the new ValueTuples

Instead of discussing the compiler syntax and usage of value tuples, I suggest to search on the web, here is one great post C# 7 Series, Part 1: Value Tuples about it.

In this post I will do a small micro-benchmarking and also look at IL Code got generated for multiple return types.I will use an example where I have a possibility to return two values, but previously we have used one result parameter and out parameter: a TryParse method. It is made up sample code though, probably you would never have this business logic in a real application.

The Out parameter

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