Perfomance testing within Unit tests bad idea

I have doing performance tests in regular Console apps and BenchmarkDotNet for a while. Recently I have been seeing people doing the same from unit tests. At first it seems to have many advantages to run a unit test to measure how long a certain peace of code runs.

Certain things I noted immediately:

  • The time to run a unit tests != the time your peace of code runs

  • It is a lot more difficult to measure only a certain portion of an algorithm, you will likely to include measuring test initializers

  • Running along with a test framework brings a lot of dependencies, which you would not have in a regular empty console application

  • Console out: some test frameworks makes it difficult to write out to the console, for example in xUnit you can use a special dependency: ITestOutputHelper

  • Memory profiling is more difficult too: capturing GC heaps for comparisons brings a lot of objects into the view, that are allocated by the test framework

  • Test might be run in Debug

  • CI/CD pipelines with multiple build agents might measure different results because of different load/underlying hardware

In conclusion, I would still suggest to use regular Release built C# console apps with a well-known benchmark framework for performance testing.

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ConcurrentDictionary over List 2

Doing it wrong again

In the previous post, I have shown why the following type can be dangerous:

ConcurrentDictionary<string, List<int>>

The problem starts when we have multiple threads using (writing and reading) this dictionary at the same time. To avoid state corruption, we need to control this access by making it thread-safe.

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ConcurrentDictionary over List 1

One of the rare situations, I face is having a dictionary of key-value pairs, where the values are a collection of some items. One example could be the following dictionary, where the keys are strings, and the values are a list of integers.

ConcurrentDictionary<string, List<int>>

In the series of this and the following posts, I will investigate how these collections can be made thread-safe.


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Returning Awaited methods vs Tasks

I have come across this question several times, I thought it might worth a little investigation. Which of the following method runs faster TestAsync or TestDirect, given the Sum method?

public async Task<int> TestAsync(int a, int b) => await Sum(a, b);

public Task<int> TestDirect(int a, int b) => Sum(a, b);

public Task<int> Sum(int a, int b) => Task.FromResult(a + b);

At first look there is not much difference, but if we look at the performance of them, one executes faster.

At second look we could assume TestDirect must be faster as the compiler 'probably' does not convert it to a state machine. Or is the compiler smart enough to optimize away the state machine in case of TestAsync?

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C# Functional style - Part 3

In this post I will take the existing methods to a higher abstraction by handling them as pure C# Func.

First we need to introduce a couple of extension methods, which will help to Curry and Partially apply some of the arguments on the existing methods. In C# this is a slightly more difficult, because we would need to create overrides for each different signature based on the arity of the method.

Creating an extension method for Currying:

public static Func<TIn, Func<TOut>> C<TIn, TOut>(this Func<TIn, TOut> f) => x => () => f(x);

public static Func<TIn1, Func<TIn2, TOut>> C<TIn1, TIn2, TOut>(this Func<TIn1, TIn2, TOut> f) => x => y => f(x, y);

// Further overloads

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