Distributed Tracing with gRPC and OpenTelemetry
This blog post demonstrates distributed tracing for gRPC calls using OpenTelemetry. Application Insights and Zipkin exporters and services are used for visualizing spans.
gRPC is http based protocol. The client uses HttpClient to send requests, while the ASP.NET Core service is using standard HTTP pipeline to process requests and return responses. Both HttpClient and the HTTP pipeline are instrumented with System.Daignostics.DiagnosticListener. DiagnosticListener enables to subscribe to emitted events and activities. While events indicate a point in time notification, activities can describe a time interval. Both may use additional metadata attributes to describe the event or the time span.
For the collection of these events, I am going to use OpenTelemetry's C# client, version 0.2.0-alpha.179 at the time of writing this post.
In this post, I will have a .net core console application as the client and an ASP.NET Core 3.1 service as the server.