Intercepting Service Fabric remoting calls

In the previous post I described how we can update remoting calls from V1 to V2 in Service Fabric. In this post, I am describing how we can intercept V2 remoting calls and add custom headers. I will share the related code samples for Stateful and Stateless services as-well-as Actors.

The goal will be to add a custom header entry on the client side, while the service side would read (and possibly use) the value of the header value.


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Understanding Span

C# 7.2 has introduced Span<T> along with a some language features so developers can better optimize code when using structs / value types.

To goal of this post is to (instead of explaining) present a collection of articles and blog posts that help the reader to fully understand these new features.

Let's start by the new features. The following article shall explain

  • in keyword

  • ref readonly

  • readonly struct

  • ref struct

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Custom VS Snippets

The 'copy-paste' task of developers has to be automatized. It is done by continuous improvement of languages, compilers, design patterns, libraries, packages, components, etc.

Having code templates is a bit of a different story. I have been using R# templates for a couple of years, and one can get really used to it.

Recently I have decided to plainly use Visual Studio, without the R#. One challenge I have is to move all my templates to VS snippets. I tend to use 6 snippets the most often:

  • Argument validation

  • Log informational message

  • Log error message

  • Create a test method

  • Create test setup method

  • Create test tear down method

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First look at SIMD in .Net

Recently I have been reading about Performance of .Net application, I ran into the following post explaining processor and cache affects on our code.

Processor pipelining shifted my interests to Single Instruction Multiple Data. SIMD has been added to the .Net ecosystem with the RyuJIT, as the following blog post details it.

There are a couple of mathematical and graphical use-cases described where this technology is applicable, but I still see a great opportunity ahead, where mass amount of real-time numerical data needs to be processed (and we are not willing to use GPU for instance). By curiosity I have created a couple of examples and compared the performance of these use-cases to regular code.

Note that the following examples use Vector<T> which is available through a NuGet package at the time. Only regular Vector2/3/4f are available in the full framework.

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Creating Certificates for Bot Framework apps hosted on Service Fabric

I decided to host a bot framework application over service fabric. Creating a regular Bot Framework app is relatively simple using the provided Visual Studio template and hosting in a free tier website service in Azure.

When using service fabric, even on a local test environment we will need to have a certificate for using external channels like Facebook, Skype or Cortana. This approach is also very useful if someone prefers to debug metadata on Facebook or Cortana messages, which is rather under-documented.

The certificate is needed for the https endpoint, in case an invalid (or expired) certificate the connection will not be established.

Once we have a domain name, we can use (as an example) Let's Encrypt to create the certificates for free. I used one of the suggested web tool: SSL For Free to generate the cert. The key step here is to use Chrome as the browser. At the time of the writing Edge generated invalid certificates. When the domain name is validated we will need to run the following command to generate a pfx file, so later we can install it into our cert store.

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