HttpClient Diagnostics

HttpClient has the capability to propagate correlation Id-s in the HTTP headers of traceparent and tracestate. Every recent .NET release had changes in this scope, for the last few releases the followings has changed:

  • Automatic Id propagation

  • AspNet Core creates a new parent activity for each request (by default)

  • Actvitity's DefaultIdFormat changed in .NET 5

  • ActivitySource introduced

In .NET 6 HttpClient allows greater control on how traceIds and spanIds are propagated on downstream HTTP calls. It accomplishes this with the help of DistributedContextPropagator, which comes with a few built in propagator strategies. In this post I will look into testing these strategies work with OpenTelemetry and Jaeger.

Under the hood

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Regex Unleashed

In the series of these posts, I take a regular task, and implement it multiple times in an iteratively manner, while also improving performance.

The task is the following, given an input string with placeholders in it, and a map of placeholders to actual values. Replace the placeholders in the input string with the actual text values from the map and return the final string. For example, given input string Hello [%placeholder%]! and map [%placeholder%] => World should return Hello World!. The placeholder's [%placeholder%] part is referred as the key, and World part as the value in this post.

To further clarify the task, these constraints are also true:

  • placeholder keys are delimited with [% at the beginning and %] at the end

  • placeholders are recursive (a placeholder's value may contain another (or the same) placeholder's key, but it should be processed recursively)

  • input text contains no placeholder that are embedded by other placeholders (such as hello [%outer[%inner%]example%])

  • the key of a placeholder contain letters and underscores

  • the same fixed set of placeholders are used on multiple input strings

  • placeholders are used at most once per input text

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Regex and Faster

In the series of these posts, I take a regular task, and implement it multiple times in an iteratively manner, while also improving performance.

The task is the following, given an input string with placeholders in it, and a map of placeholders to actual values. Replace the placeholders in the input string with the actual text values from the map and return the final string. For example, given input string Hello [%placeholder%]! and map [%placeholder%] => World should return Hello World!. The placeholder's [%placeholder%] part is referred as the key, and World part as the value in this post.

To further clarify the task, these constraints are also true:

  • placeholder keys are delimited with [% at the beginning and %] at the end

  • placeholders are non-recursive (a placeholder's value may contain another (or the same) placeholder's key, but it should not be processed recursively)

  • input text contains no placeholder that are embedded by other placeholders (such as hello [%outer[%inner%]example%])

  • the key of a placeholder contain letters and underscores

  • the same fixed set of placeholders are used on multiple input strings

  • placeholders are used at most once per input text

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Regex and Speed

In the series of these posts, I take a rather regular task, and implement it multiple times in an iteratively manner, while also improving performance.

The task is the following: given a string input with placeholders in it, and a set of placeholders to actual value mappings. Replace the placeholders in the input string with the actual text values from the map and return the final string. For example, given input string Hello [%placeholder%]! and map [%placeholder%] => World should return Hello World!. The placeholder's [%placeholder%] part is referred as the key, and World part as the value in this post.

To further clarify the task, these constraints are also true:

  • placeholder keys are delimited with [% at the beginning and %] at the end

  • placeholders are non-recursive (a placeholder's value may contain another (or the same) placeholder's key, but this should not be processed recursively)

  • input text contains no placeholder that are embedded by other placeholders (such as hello [%outer[%inner%]example%])

  • the key of placeholders contain letters and underscores

  • the same fixed set of placeholders are used on multiple input strings

  • placeholders are used at most once per input text

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