Running ASP.NET Core 9 on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W

This is a step by step for setting up a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W with a default ASP.NET Core 9 application (in 9 steps).

  1. Install the Raspberry Pi Imager tool.

  2. Install Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64bit) on the SD Card. Configure settings Wi-Fi/user/SSH settings during the installation.

  3. SSH into the raspberry using ssh <user>@raspberrypi.local or ssh <ip> -l <user> command.

  4. Install .NET runtime:

  • Follow documentation outlined by dotnet iot. Here I am using the Framework-Dependent approach.

  • curl -sSL | bash /dev/stdin --channel STS

  • Set PATH: echo 'export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/.dotnet' >> ~/.bashrc then echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.dotnet' >> ~/.bashrc and source ~/.bashrc

  • Run dotnet --version to validate that installation succeeded.

  1. Create a folder mkdir app on the Raspberry Pi for the application.

  2. Publish the web application in Release, Portable, .NET 9, Framework-Dependent mode on any dev machine.

  3. Copy the published application to the Raspberry Pi using scp: scp -r D:\repos\..\WebApplication\bin\Release\net9.0\publish\* <user>@raspberrypi:/home/<user>/app executed on the dev machine.

  4. To run locally the service on port 80 (443 would require a certificate), execute the following command: sudo /home/<user>/.dotnet/dotnet /home/<user>/app/WebApplication.dll --urls http://+:80, where sudo is required for port 80 (using port 5000 can bind without elevated privileges).

  5. Setup the application to start after boot using systemd ref:

  • Execute the following command to create a service and set content as sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/webapplication.service:

 Description=WebApplication Service

 ExecStart=/home/<user>/.dotnet/dotnet /home/<user>/app/WebApplication.dll --urls http://+:80

  • Set permissions sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/webapplication.service

  • Reload services: sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  • Enabled service sudo systemctl enable webapplication.service

  • Reboot to validate setup: sudo reboot

  1. Open a browser on the dev machine (which is on the same network) and navigate to http://raspberrypi/